No Excuses!

I have no excuse for being fairly lazy online over the last year and half.  I don’t know about you, but I started feeling burned out by all of the constant in my face social media.  I kind of needed a break and I’ll be honest, it has felt good to not worry about Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, Instagram, etc. for a little while.  I am going to try updating over the next couple of months, but I also want to start adding little photo helps from my Basic Training class that I have taught over the years.  My goal is to get everyone with a good camera off of the green box (automatic) and starting learning how to control their cameras.  If you spend money on a great camera and leave it on automatic, you might as well have a point and shoot camera, so I am going to try to shrink my long winded stories and thoughts into quick tidbits and share…hope you don’t mind!!

Having a teenager has reminded me of my constant excitement for photography, so I want to make more of an effort and take more time to teach her and her friends about capturing the world from their view.  I was lucky enough to grow-up in a wonderful studio where I learned everyday, although I wish I had listened more and asked more questions, but I still absorbed so much from my kind and brilliant friend and mentor Reese Christensen.  So, when you start seeing tidbits from my Basic Training enjoy them or ignore them, but either way, I want to be sure to share the knowledge that was always so kindly shared with me.  I LOVE this incredible talent I have spent most of my life learning and I hope you have something in your life you love as much!!



M o r e   i n f o